

The NE RISCC invites you to join our community and discussions around invasive species and climate change during our Annual RISCC Symposium on March 11-12th, 2025. Be sure to register and checkout the lineup of speakers. More info here.

We’re now on LinkedIn! Give our page a follow and join in the conversations at www.linkedin.com/company/northeast-riscc-management

Check out our 2024 Year in Review summary here!


  • The 2025 RISCC symposium is just around the corner! Save the date for March 11-12, 2025 from 11 am - 3 pm EST. Register here and check out the agenda here

  • Wednesday, May 14, 2025. 4:00 pm Eastern: Using Managed Relocation to Advance Climate Adaptation: Benefits, Risks, and Barriers. Find out more and register here.



  • Listening Session: Managing resilient plant communities through the identification of climate-adapted native species - On December 18 from 11 am - 12 pm Eastern, join researchers from the University of Massachusetts Amherst to learn about new modeling methods to predict the composition of plant communities under future climates, then share your perspectives and feedback about the project to help inform the development of climate-adapted native species priorities.

  • Planning for Plant Diversity with Climate-Smart Nursery Natives - NE RISCC ran a workshop at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Agriculture, Food & Environmental Systems In-service conference to share and solicit feedback on an upcoming resource identifying climate-resilient native garden plants for Northeastern states.

  • Shifting phenology & windows of opportunity for control of invasive species - This coffee talk explored how phenological phases have shifted, the implications for effective management, and how management calendars can adapt. Read more in our latest Research to Practice Paper and view the recording here.

  • Identifying Range Shifting Invasive Species - This discussion was co-hosted by NE RISCC/NE CASC to learn about tools for range shifting invasives. View the recording here or read the summary.

  • Invasive knotweed and climate resiliency: Coffee Talk - Manager/researcher duo Brian Colleran and Élisabeth Groeneveld held this coffee talk on the invasive knotweed-climate change feedback loop. View the recording here.

  • Guidelines for climate-smart invasive species management: Coffee Talk - This event provided an opportunity to hear about new stakeholder informed guidelines and provide feedback. View the recording here.

  • Marine and Coastal Invasives in a Changing Climate: Virtual Networking - This virtual networking event connected practitioners and researchers to discuss work on marine and coastal invasive species in a changing climate.

  • Chemical & Mechanical Control in a Changing Climate - This listening session was an opportunity to tell researchers about information needs related to changing control methods - stay tuned for future RISCC research in this area.

Engage through the RISCC listserv!

We have migrated our listserv to Google Groups. This should have happened automatically. But please check your spam folder for listserv emails now coming from ne-riscc@groups.umass.edu. Sign up to hear about news and events from the RISCC leadership team, and post to the listserv to ask for help from experts across the Northeast U.S.


NE RISCC gratefully acknowledges funding and/or personnel support from these organizations