Upcoming Webinars
Check the home page for upcoming events!
NE RISCC hosts regular webinars with the goal of building stronger communities and sharing actionable science. Our webinars include Coffee Talks (where practitioners and/or scientists present on a particular species or topic followed by an extended discussion with participants), Listening Sessions (facilitated conversations to solicit input from the RISCC network about ongoing or future research), and Networking Events (opportunities for members to connect with each other around a particular theme). Upcoming webinars are announced on the website and listserv, and recordings are available after some events on the NE RISCC YouTube channel. Is there a topic you’d like us to cover in an upcoming webinar? Let us know!
Past Webinars
Shifting phenology & windows of opportunity for control of invasive species
Dr. Dan Buonaiuto (University of Massachusetts Amherst) presented a newly published NE RISCC Research to Practice paper "Where there’s a when there’s a way: Shifting phenology & windows of opportunity for control of invasive species". Following a brief presentation from Dr. Buonaiuto, we had facilitated discussions about the practical implications of phenological (biological timing specific to a given species or system) shifts for management and control of common invasive species in our region.
Tool Talk: Identifying Range Shifting Invasive Species
On September 11, 2024, we co-hosted this tool talk with the Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center. Panelists including Jenica Allen, Wesley Daniel, Gary Fish, and Catherine Jarnevich explored management tools in the context of invasive species ranges and adaptation. This event highlighted tools available for identifying invasive species range shifts, built connections in the climate adaptation science community, and informed future NE CASC and NE RISCC research and outreach activities.
Itadori knotweed & climate resiliency
On June 12, 2024 researcher and practitioner Brian Colleran and Élisabeth Groeneveld shared their perspectives on managing invasive knotweeds (primarily Itadori knotweed, Reynoutria japonica) in a changing climate and answered questions from the audience. They focused on shifts in hydrological regimes towards more frequent and severe storm events in response to climate change, positive feedback loops may develop between existing knotweed populations, sudden riverbank failure, and increased flood-related damage. Mindful action to control these plants is therefore a climate resiliency opportunity.
Marine and Coastal Invasives in a Changing Climate: Virtual Networking
On April 30, 2024, we created a virtual space for practitioners to connect informally with each other and researchers to discuss their work around marine and coastal invasive species in a changing climate. This event was co-hosted with the Massachusetts Ecosystem Climate Adaptation Network.
Listening session - chemical and mechanical control
On April 2, 2024, we hosted our first listening session to guide future research priorities. This listening session focused on sharing perspectives and information needs around climate change effects on chemical and mechanical control of invasive species.
Out of Control? Coffee Talk
How does climate change affect biocontrol agents and their hosts? On December 14, 2023, the Northeast RISCC hosted a coffee talk discussion on our new Management Challenge, Out of Control? The Effects of Climate Change on Biological Control Agents and their Target Hosts. Our brief summary of the ways climate change can impact biocontrol agents and their target hosts was followed by a Q&A.
Managing for Stiltgrass in a Changing Environment Coffee Talk
How can local management actions and priorities adapt as we navigate climate change? On 12/6/2023, the Northeast RISCC Management Network hosted a conversation with Shikha Singh about “Japanese Stiltgrass: Lessons Learned While Managing for Stiltgrass in a Changing Environment.” After a brief presentation by Shikha on the successes and challenges of managing Japanese stiltgrass in public and private areas, the audience split into breakout rooms (not recorded) to discuss how to meet these new challenges. This recording includes report-back summaries of what was discussed in breakout rooms.
Future Freshwater Invaders Coffee Talk
On 10/11/2023, Grace Henderson described her project with other researchers in the U.S. Geological Survey’s Invasive Species Science Branch to predict current and future habitat suitability for plant, invertebrate, and fish AIS in the Northeast. Following the presentation, audience members discussed how to proactively manage new aquatic invasions.
Do Not Sell Coffee Talk
On 10/19/22, the NE RISCC hosted a webinar on their latest Management Challenge, Do Not Sell! Ornamental invasive plants to avoid with climate change. Learn more about ornamental invasive plants sold in other parts of the U.S. that could find their way into Northeastern nurseries with climate change. View the recording through the link below.
Virtual Speed Networking Event
On 9/28/22, the NE RISCC provided a virtual space for researchers and practitioners to connect in a speed networking format. This Zoom event paired invasive species professionals in breakout discussions with the aim to match potential collaborators and identify areas for future funding and projects.
Sleeper Species Coffee Talk
On 9/13/22 the Northeast RISCC Management Network held a coffee chat covering the latest Management Challenge, Are you Sleeping? Are you Sleeping? Predicting Invasion Potential of Non-Native Plants. In this coffee chat, we discussed which plants may cause future ecological and socioeconomic harm in the Northeast (CT, ME, MA, NH, NY, RI, VT), the criteria we chose to make a priority sleeper species list, and next steps for planning ahead.
Virtual Lunch Pop-up: HWA and Climate Change
On 7/21/22 the NE RISCC held a special pop-up lunch event when poor weather put a pause on field activities. Our discussion revolved around the current state of the science for hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) and the interacting threat of climate change. This covered the consequences multiple stressors for our forests, and potential management options.
Networking Event: Invasive Species and Climate Change
This events was held on 5/5/2022 to create a virtual space for practitioners and researchers to connect informally and discuss their experiences, successes, and challenges around climate change and invasive species. This event was co-hosted by the Northeast Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change (RISCC) Management Network and Massachusetts Ecosystem Climate Adaptation Network (Mass ECAN).
Coffee Talk: Embracing the Future through Resistance, Resilience, & Transformation
This webinar was held on 4/8/2022 to discuss a resistance-resilience-transformation approach to addressing the effects of climate change on invasive species in response to the recently produced management challenge, Embracing the Future: Promoting adaptation and resilience to invasive species and climate change.
A Conversation on Kudzu
This webinar, “A Conversation on Kudzu: when research intersects with management, good things happen” was held on 3/23/2022. Our guest speakers included Stephen Enloe, a professor and extension specialist at the University of Florida IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, and Steve Manning, President of the Pacific Northwest Invasive Plant Council, and founder of Invasive Plant Control, Inc. (IPC).
Breaking Down Barriers to Proactive and Consistent Risk Assessments of Invasive Plants in the Northeast U.S
This webinar was held on 2/24/2021, with Bethany Bradley presenting a case study of risk assessments from Northeast states to develop recommendations for developing more consistent and proactive invasive plant regulations.
Managing up-and-coming invasives in the Northeast: mile-a-minute weed
This webinar was held on October 26, 2020 with Ellen Lake (USDA ARS) and Kevin Fryberger (Brandywine Conservancy) discussing strategies for managing mile-a-minute weed (Persicaria perfoliata), an invasive plant expected to expand it’s range in the Northeastern U.S. with climate change.
Building community to address the threat of emerald ash borer to northern forests
This webinar was held on September 22, 2020 with Tony D’Amato (University of Vermont) and Amanda Mahaffey (Forest Stewards Guild) discussing a community-focused response to the threat of emerald ash borer in the northeast, highlighting cultural and ecological values.
Preliminary analysis of Weed Risk Assessments (WRAs) in Northeast states
This webinar was held July 30, 2020 with Bethany Bradley (UMass, Amherst) presenting to a subset of participants in a Northeast Invasive Species Council working group. The webinar describes initial findings from NE RISCC’s analysis of Northeast state weed risk assessment protocols and current regulated species lists.
Managing interactions between invasive species and climate change
This webinar was held June 8, 2020 with presenters Bethany Bradley (UMass, Amherst) and Toni Lyn Morelli (USGS) giving an update on RISCC activities. The webinar was part of a series for the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) Climate Adaptation forum organized by Maggie Ernest Johnson.
Preparing for Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum)
This webinar was held on May 1, 2019 with presenters Angela Sirois-Pitel (The Nature Conservancy) & Dr. Luke Flory (University of Florida), facilitated by Toni Lyn Morelli.
Additional Resources:
"An introduction to Microstegium vimineum (Japanese stiltgrass/Nepalese browntop) an Emerging Invasive Grass in the Eastern United States" (Kleczewski, Flory, and Nice 2011) Link.
"Invasive plant removal method determines native plant community responses" (Flory and Clay 2009) Link.
New tools for identifying and prioritizing range shifting invasive plants
This webinar was held on November 5, 2019 with presenters Jenica Allen and Bethany Bradley. It was hosted by the Northeastern IPM Center and includes a demonstration for using a new range shifting watchlist tool.
Timing is Everything: Customizing Phenological Information for Invasive Species Management
This webinar was held on April 9, 2019 with presenters Alyssa Rosemartin & Talbot Trotter, facilitated by Toni Lyn Morelli.