4th Annual RISCC Management Symposium
Presentation recordings are also available on our YouTube channel!
Plenary: Addressing invasive species and climate change through translational research and partnerships
Carrie Brown-Lima (NY Invasive Species Research Institute) gives an overview of Northeast Regional Invasive Species & Climate Change (RISCC) Management Network activities over the last five years at the 2021 RISCC Symposium.
Introducing Three New RISCC Networks
Presentation Session 1: Range Shifters and Sleeper Species
Nuisance Natives: Guidelines for Assessing Range Shifters
Forest pests and their management in the Anthropocene
Presentation Session 2: Treatment Strategies and Efficacy in a Changing Climate
Host Overwintering Phenology and Climate Change Influence the Establishment of Tetrastichus planipennisi, a Larval Parasitoid of the Emerald Ash Borer
Climate change exacerbates the damage of invasive weed species through reduced herbicide efficacy
Interactions between invasive species and its biocontrol agent alter ecological and evolutionary responses to climate change
Workshop 1: Building Proactive Weed Risk Assessments
Introduction (partially truncated) to the weed risk assessment workshop at the 2021 RISCC Symposium. Speakers Emily Fusco, Deah Lieurance, and Bethany Bradley discuss ways to make invasive species risk assessments more climate smart.
Workshop 2: Exploring Resilience in Native Habitats
Introduction and summary report-backs from the resilience workshop at the 2021 RISCC Symposium. Workshop led by Eve Beaury, Bianca Lopez, and Nancy Olmstead.
Manager Perspectives: Successes and Lessons Learned in Managing Invasive Species in a Changing Climate
Lightning talks about ways climate change is interacting with invasive species management presented at the 2021 RISCC Symposium. Speakers are David Wong, Brian Colleran, Nina Coleman, Karen Lombard, Andrew Zepp, and Terri Hogan. The lightning talks conclude with a panel discussion.
Closing Remarks
Toni Lyn Morelli closes the 2021 RISCC Symposium with an overview of the topics discussed at the conference.